Micro Social Institutions

Posted by Unknown , Sunday, April 18, 2010 6:40 PM

The " Society" is usually used to designate the members of specific in- groups, persons rather than the social relationships of those persons. Thus we speak of a Harijan speak of Ar ya Samaj or Brahman Samaj. A society is intangible; it is " a process rather than a thing, motion rather the structure ".
Some definitions are as follows :-
  • " A number of like - minded individuals, who know and enjoy their like - mindedness, and are, therefore, able to work together for common ends. " - Giddings
  • " Society is a system of usages and procedures, authority and mutual aid, of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human behaviour and of liberties. " - MacIver and Page
  • " A soceity is the larger group to which any individual belongs. " - Green
Thus, soceity is to be interpreted in a wider sense. It is both a structural and functional organization. It consists in the mutual interactions and mutual interrelations of the individuals but it is also a structure formed by these relations. It is a pattern, a system and not the people . Those who define it as a group of people interpret it in terms of 'A Society ' as distinguished from 'Socity'.

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